What Is Organic search traffic ?
Organic traffic essentially refers to the number of visitors that are coming to a particular website from various search engine results that do not require payment.
You can control the organic traffic of your own website. All you need to do is make sure your website gets a high ranking in the search engine results, for example on platforms like Google, Bing or Yahoo. You need to use search engine optimization (SEO) tool to achieve this goal. You can also partner with big SEO companies in India to skyrocket your online business.
There are various types of search traffic
(a) paid search traffic (visitors that come from Pay Per Click or PPC)
(b) unpaid search traffic (organic search traffic).
(c) direct traffic (visits you get in your website from users who have directly used URL)
(d) referral traffic (visits you get from users who have used links from other websites)
(e) social traffic (organic or paid traffic that comes from social media posts)
These traffics are used in Google Analytics tools
How to analyze organic search traffic?
You can measure or analyze your website’s organic search traffic using Google Analytics 4. GA4 has pre-made reports that can analyze your site’s data. One of these reports is the life Cycle collection report. It has the following parts
- Acquisition report- this can analyze how the traffic was acquire.
- Engagement report- this shows user engagement data. Engagement data helps you to understand which pages are attracting more traffic, or what features they are using to attract traffic, or how much time are the visitors spending on your site.
- Monetization report- this analyzes the revenue data. It studies everything from how the promotions are going, how much revenue you are getting from ads to which are the best-selling products of your website.
- Retention report- it analyzes the total amount of time for which the users remain engaged on your website.
How to analyze organic traffic using Acquisition Report ?
You can analyze organic traffic using the GA4’s acquisition report. It has various dimensions, such as
- Default channel groups
- The Medium
- The Source
Default channel groups: these are the channels customers use to visit the website. There are many channels that can track organic traffic.
Organic search- users naturally reach their desired site without the influence of any paid advertising links.
Organic shopping- users reach their desired site through non-ad links on shopping apps like Amazon, eBay or Etsy.
Organic social- users reach your site using non-ad links on social sites such as Facebook.
Organic video- users reach your site through non-ad links on sites such as YouTube or Tiktok.
Other default channel groups are Direct, Display, Email, Paid search, Paid other, Paid shopping, Paid social, Paid video, Referral, SMS, Audio.
Medium: the medium dimension on GA4 includes:
Organic- users who have clicked a non-ad link from a search engine.
Affiliate- users who have clicked a link from an affiliate program.
Cpc- users who have clicked a paid link.
Email- users who have clicked an email marketing link.
Referral- users who have clicked a link from another website.
None- it’s the direct traffic that comes on the site.
Source: this dimension is used for analyzing the source i.e., the websites (for e.g., Google) that have helped traffic to reach your site. Understanding the source is going to be crucial in understanding how efficient your digital strategy is.
The different metrics included in Traffic Acquisition Report are-
- users: this refers to the total number of users.
- Sessions: this refers to the number of sessions on the site.
- Engaged sessions: this refers to the total number of engaged sessions.
- Average engagement time per session: duration of engagement of the users per session.
- Engaged sessions per user: this refers to the total number of sessions engaged by a single user.
- Events per session: this means the average number of sessions used by a single user.
- Engagement rate: the engagement rate is the total percentage of engaged sessions.
- Events count: it refers to the total number of times users have used an event.
- Conversions: it refers to the total number of times users have activated a conversion.
Tips to improve your organic search traffic
Top SEO companies in India use some simple strategies in order to improve search traffic of their sites, they are discussed as below-
- Keyword- where they find and then study the keywords of the search queries used by people. This helps in targeting the users properly. As a result, the ranking of your content also improves.
- Content- where they create relevant and quality content in order to rank high in the search engine.
- Technical SEO- by this method you can make sure whether your site is meeting the requirements of search engines.
- Link building- this aspect is about finding quality backlinks that can increase your site’s visibility.
There are many SEO companies in India that also provide services and agencies who can improve the ranking of your website in terms of search engine results. They can adjust and modify your content as well as apply complex SEO strategies to ensure the most visibility.